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Thursday, April 30, 2009
What Woman Say
It can be so true. Hehe.
(1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
(5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)
(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
(7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' .. that will bring on a 'whatever').
(8) Whatever: Is a woman's way of saying F-- YOU!
(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The day the Constitution died? — The Malaysian Insider
The day the Constitution died? — The Malaysian Insider
KUALA LUMPUR, April 19 — They are putting up a brave front in Perak, but the chances of Pakatan Rakyat regaining control of the state legislature from Barisan Nasional is next to zero.
Without a level playing field, the DAP-PKR-PAS gang cannot hope to win this ongoing war of attrition that erupted after the power grab in February.
Speaker V. Sivakumar will do his best but on May 7 he will stripped off his position and powers by the BN team, aided and abetted by the three defectors. He may have the Federal Constitution on his side but nothing else.
Sadly, in Malaysia, the Constitution is not treated with the same reverence and deference as in the United States or India. So on May 7, the last stand by Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin to reclaim what is rightfully his and Pakatan Rakyat’s will end badly.
But should Malaysians forget this black day? Should Malaysians go back to their everyday routine and forget the main actors in the Perak crisis?
Should Malaysians just shrug their shoulders and say that it is time to move on? Don’t think so. We should never forget:
Sultan Azlan Shah — His act of refusing to dissolve the state assembly and allow the people of Perak to elect its government put the state on this divisive path.
The former Lord President knows that justice must always be seen to be done and in this episode, the court of public opinion felt that the Sultan erred by installing Datuk Seri Zambry Kadir as the Mentri Besar.
A survey by Merdeka Centre showed that majority of Malaysians disagreed with his decision as did the voters in Bukit Gantang. Yet, the ruler is ensconced in his palace in Kuala Kangsar, pontificating about certain political groups in the country sowing the
seeds of hatred against rulers.
“These groups are allowing the ends to justify the means by condoning such acts. These groups and individuals feel that they are faultless and immune from any action to the extent of disregarding the law for attaining power, ‘’ he said at the loyalty pledge and Perak awards ceremony in conjunction with his 81st birthday at the Istana Iskandariah.
Is he referring to Pakatan Rakyat? If he is, he is giving them far too much credit. The only reason why the Opposition was able to stoke up strong feelings against the royalty was that the Sultan of Perak gave them ammunition. And that ammunition was the patently wrong decision in handing over power to BN and devaluing the power of the vote.
Hatred against any individual or group cannot be sowed in a vacuum. That individual or group must have done something to provoke such a reaction. We should expect the Sultan of Perak to fire away with more statements like he did today, to justify his actions, to vilify his critics and to play the role of the aggrieved party. That is his right.
Just as it is the right of Malaysians to rebuff self-serving pronouncements and attempts to sugar coat the power grab in Perak.
Raja Nazrin Shah — Institutions are only as good as the people who inhabit it. This is true of the police force, judiciary, the Election Commission and the constitutional monarchy.
The Regent of Perak cautioned on Saturday that insulting institutions, ridiculing institutions and fermenting hatred towards institutions are early steps towards abolishing the institutions. But surely there must be a caveat to what he said.
What good are institutions which ridicule the Federal Constitution, which insult the intelligence of a more educated population and which forget that they serve at the pleasure of the rakyat.
The Federal Court — On five occasions Malaysian courts have been asked to rule on actions inside legislative assemblies. All five times, the courts said they did not have the jurisdiction, pointing to Article 72 of the Federal Constitution which says that the validity of any proceedings in the state assembly of any state shall not be questioned in any court.
Yet, the Federal Court panel of Augustine Paul, Alauddin Mohd Sheriff, Arifin Zakaria, Nik Hashim Nik Ab. Rahman, and Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin was willing to depart from this precedent, which gives respect to the doctrine of separation of powers.
The Federal Court ruled that Sivakumar had erred in declaring the seats of the three defectors vacant and also said that acted illegally in suspending Zambry and several other lawmakers for showing contempt to the House.
Both these decisions give BN the numbers they need to remove Sivakumar when the assembly meets on May 7.
Aliran’s P Ramakrishnan was amazed that the five learned judges could have overlooked important provisions under Article 72.
“And we have to ask, ‘Why?’ If they are expected to dispense justice in a fair and impartial manner, shouldn’t they have paid attention to the supreme law of the country? “We have every right to expect them to be thorough before delivering their judgment.
These five judges are responsible if Malaysians continue to be cynical and sceptical about our judiciary.
“And we have to wonder how many brave and honest judges are left in the judiciary who will respect the Federal Constitution and remain true to their conscience in delivering justice,” he said.
Monday, April 13, 2009
DAP Easter Message

The spirit of Easter should also be reflected in “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”
I would like to wish a joyous and blessed Easter to all Malaysians, especially our Christian brothers and sisters who are celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
To Christians, Easter is Jesus Christ’s victory over death, symbolising the eternal life that is offered to those who believe in Him. It is a proof that Jesus is the Son of God who has conquered death once and for all, and therefore gained salvation for all humanity.
I share the good values of Easter, especially in my commitment to do the right thing and rejection of wrongdoing. As I have many times mentioned to my Muslim friends that I aspire to observe the practice of amar makruf nahi mungkar, it is with the same commitment that I am willing to do my best in caring and sharing, and in making greater contribution to better living for all.
In this beautiful country we call home, we share many values together and we should not deprive ourselves from caring and sharing, knowing full well we need one another to ensure peace and stability.
Easter is also about hope and reconciliation, which I wish to see all Malaysians regardless of beliefs and ethnicity would strive for a deeper and more profound meaning of muhibah, understanding and love.
Since this is also the first Easter celebration under the new premiership of Datuk Seri Najib Razak, I wish our new prime minister would commit himself to working towards achieving a true Bangsa Malaysia in words and deeds. Malaysians hope a fresh start by banning racially based political parties which can begin by opening UMNO to all Malaysians not just Malays - that would give meaning to the Prime Minister's concept of "1 Malaysia".
The spirit of Easter should also be reflected in the government’s aim to make “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” by ensuring that any sacrifice by Malaysians of all races and religions must be well respected and should never be in vain.
Even though it may not be deep in spiritual meaning, for true worldly salvation it is only fair for the government to abolish draconian laws such as the Internal Security Act (ISA), the Sedition Act and the Printing Presses & Publications Act, as this would lead to a new beginning of building an independent press, establish freedom of information and build a democracy responsive to the people’s needs.
It may also be the beginning of a society that respects one another, without any unnecessary fear. Just as democracy must co-exist with development, so must there be power with accountability. For this reason calling for fresh elections to solve the political impasse in Perak will represent a revival of democracy by giving life to democracy.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Najib visited Chinatown, Kerinchi and Brickfield VERSUS Ex-PM Badawi visited Immigration Office
I hope that will be a lesson PM Najib will learnt.
(from the Star)
PM Najib visits Chinatown, Kerinchi and Brickfields
KUALA LUMPUR: Less than 24 hours into the new job, the country’s sixth Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak went down to the ground into the heartlands of Kuala Lumpur to meet the people.He paid a visit to the street hawkers in Jalan Petaling and Vista Angkasa apartments in Kg Kerinchi and Jalan Tun Sambanthan storekeepers and restaurant operators in Brickfields.
Najib arrived at Jalan Petaling’s main gate in the PM’s silver Proton Perdana with plate number WRP 11. He was accompanied by Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Zulhasnan Rafique and Kuala Lumpur mayor Datuk Ahmad Fuad Ismail.

As soon as he stepped out of the car, he was surrounded by a mass of photographers and police officers holding back the crowd to give him room to walk.
Dressed in a casual short-sleeve light green shirt, khaki pants and loafers, he strolled the popular tourist spot with the Kuala Lumpur Hawkers and Petty Traders Association deputy chairman Datuk Ang Say Tee and Bukit Bintang MP Fong Kui Lun.
He spoke to watch dealers and bag sellers and was met with supportive applause from onlookers from both sides of the street.
Locals and tourists alike whipped out their handphones to take pictures of Malaysia’s new PM.

At about 4pm, he made a short stop in Kg Kerinchi and spoke to hawkers there.
Seemingly a divine blessing, it began to drizzle in Brickfields just minutes after Najib arrived for his final stop.
Parents Chadaramohan Kanapathi, 40, and Ravita Pakrisamy, 38, from Segambut felt very happy and hoped the country will be “good, peaceful and without any racial problems” under Najib’s leadership.
Ramesh Kumar, 35, from Penang said it was a good sign for Indians that it rained during Najib’s visit.
“I can hardly believe that our sixth prime minister is visiting the rakyat on the second day of his premiership.

“This is my first time seeing a PM on the ground. I have high hopes for him. I hope he will be fair to all Malaysians,” Ramesh said.
Restaurant owner S. Paramasivam said he served the Prime Minister and his entourage putu mayam pudina, dosai, vadae, teh ‘o’ ais limau, teh tarik (kurang manis), apples, oranges and grapes.
Just before 5pm and without speaking to the gathered press, Najib ended his first "turun padang" visit as PM and returned to his official residence in Putrajaya.
The Peee M speech. A mere rhetoric?
“On behalf of all Malaysians, I would like to thank Yang Berbahagia Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for his 31 years of exemplary public service to our country, his commitment to strengthening the institutions and fabric of our democracy and for his graceful example as our leader. (Exemplary in the Civil Service, maybe but as PM, I had very high hope on him to reform and change the delivery system, democratise the institution and eradicate corruption but he had failed miserably. Should he had actively done what he preached as Prime Minister especially so after getting a huge mandate after the 2004 election and walk the talk, he would have been Father of Democracy or something-like-that)
“I am grateful to Yang Berbahagia Tun for his confidence in proposing my name as prime minister to Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and I am honoured that His Majesty has consented to my appointment with this morning’s swearing-in ceremony. I feel a deep sense of humility at the opportunity to serve as your Prime Minister at an important time in our nation’s history. (No issue)
“My life has been dedicated to public service. (No comment)
“Growing up, I was inspired by the positive impact of public service in the example of my late father. Four decades on, I remain committed to the goals of tackling poverty, of restructuring our society, of expanding access to quality education for all, and of inspiring a new generation of young Malaysians to work on behalf of this great country. (Our public service is corrupted to the core - not I that say it but Tun Mahatir. Our poverty rate is still high and people are in debt, our society is still divided by race and politics, our education system is worst off than 20 years ago and that can be seen that our Universities are not used to be in the 70s and 80s where we are able to compete with the top Universities in the world. Our Medical degrees are not recognised in the European Countrie. AND that the most educated people are elsewhere and not in Malaysia, many of my friends are example for that. In fact, I know of top students not given scholarships and I can bet my life on it)
“My own service in government has always been about getting results: To ensure a better deal for teachers, to improve conditions for our brave soldiers, and to strengthen our economy in defence of the people of Malaysia, as we deal with the outbreak of a global recession. (When the Opposition says that the RM6 Billion is not enough, the government says that the Opposition don't know anything but when Najib introduced the RM70 Billion stimulus package, he should thank the Opposition for the speaking the truth. What results are we talking about when our Ringgit is plunging)
“In the coming weeks, I will be consulting with people around our country, as I begin to reshape the leadership and priorities of the Government. I am mindful that we should build on the successes and lessons of the past. It must be a government with new approaches for new times — a government that places priority on performance, because the people must come first. (Well, I am hopeful. But words are mere rethoric. I want to see a new set cabinet ministers and adminstrators who are commited to 'One Malaysia' or rather a Malaysian Malaysia. But should it is a mere talk by the in coming PM, then 13th general election will be the last of RAHMAN)
“We must reach out to all parts of Malaysia... to all our diverse communities. In our national discourse and in the pursuit of our national agenda, we must never leave anyone behind. We must reach out to the many who may have been disaffected and left confused by political games, deceit and showmanship. (There are many who are poor or rather hard core poor. Go to the east and see for yourself the situation around. Look at the rural area and the marginalised people who are easily forgotten and only remembered once every general election. Look closer to home, the Indian community? Is it enough the recent allocation of a mere RM80 millions for Tamil schools around the country?)
“We must draw on talented people across our nation, regardless of their position or background, to re-energise a passion for public service. We must sow the seeds of goodwill and understanding in every corner of this land, so that we continue to harvest the fruits of progress and prosperity for all Malaysians. (Hey what about my friend, I think he is happy now at Caltech. Top student in Negeri Sembilan. No wonder all the top and intelligent chaps are not here but elsewhere)
“We must seek to include and unlock the potential of our young people who will be the next generation of leaders, business people, engineers, scientists, teachers and doctors. We must give them wings to fly. (rhetoric. I am still hopeful)
“And so today, I pledge that I will work tirelessly to serve all of you. (you better or are you intending to shut dissidents)
“In this spirit, I would like to announce that the government has decided with immediate effect, to remove the temporary ban on two news publications, release 13 detainees from ISA detention, and conduct a comprehensive review of the Internal Security Act. Additional details will be announced by the Ministry of Home Affairs shortly. (Only 13 ISA detainees? What about Kota Alam Shah wakil rakyat and Utayakumar? Remember that Mahatir also release detainees in his early years as PM and arrested many during his tenure. Review ISA? What about the other oppressive laws. Oh I forget, election gimmick)
“These decisions are timely as we move to enhance the confidence of our citizens in those entrusted with maintaining peace, law and order, while recognising the need to remain vigilant of the very real security threats we continue to face as a young nation. (Timely, I don't think so. Maybe Najib should read the hansard when Tunku Abdul Rahman introduced the ISA Bill)
“I know that for every citizen, these are hard times and I remain focused in providing strong leadership to lead us out of this economic crisis and unleash our full potential as a nation. I will be steadfast in my commitment to meet the needs, aspirations and concerns of all Malaysians. (I remain hopeful but my patent is running out since 2006)
“So today I ask you to join me in this task of renewing Malaysia. I urge us to rise to the challenge of building a One Malaysia. People First. Performance Now. (Another rhetoric. I have rise to the challenge to be part of DAP in focusing on Malaysian Malaysia. AND I have heard so many slogans that still is a SLOGAN. I remember Pak Lah says that he is the Prime Minister for all Malaysian. So now we have One Malaysia. People First. Performance Now. I shall wait and see)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Kit : Najib First Test as PM on his "One Malaysian" concept
Najib’s first test as PM on his “One Malaysian” concept - halt Umno’s irresponsible, destructive by-election campaign labelling majority of PR voters as anti-Sultan
Datuk Seri Najib Razak has been sworn in as the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia, fulfilling the most famous political prophecy of RAHMAN on the first six Prime Ministers, although time will tell whether Najib will be the shortest-serving Prime Minister marking the end of the line of UMNO Prime Ministers in the country.
What is incontrovertible is that never before in the nation’s 53-year history has the ascension of a new Prime Minister in Malaysia been surrounded by so many questions, doubts and allegations raising serious questions about his suitability, credibility, integrity and legitimacy as in Najib’s case, not only among Malaysians transcending race, religion, political affiliation or region, but also internationally.
For the past month, Najib’s ascension as the new Prime Minister has been reported extensively in the international press and foreign countries, but there has not been one serious write-up which had not referred to the grave allegations hounding and haunting Najib, in particular the serious allegations about the C4 murder case of Mongolian woman Altantuya Shariibuu and the French submarine mega-defence commission.
These personal dilemmas of Najib have from today become national nightmares as they concern the honour of the highest political office of the land and that of the nation.
Is Najib just going to ignore these serious swirling doubts and allegations about his suitability, credibility, integrity and legitimacy as Prime Minister and soldier on regardless or is he finally going to end his denial and address these issues in a credible manner as by setting up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to put these doubts and allegations to rest, once and for all?
The timing of Najib’s takeover as Prime Minister could not have been worse, coming hours after Malaysia had been placed in the four-nation blacklist of non-cooperative tax havens by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation Development (OECD) for breaching international tax standards – as Najib had taken over the finance ministry since last September.
With the country facing the worst global economic crisis in a century, Malaysia needs a Prime Minister who can rally and mobilise Malaysians as one people to tide through a grave recession looming in the months ahead.
This is why Najib must get rid of his heavy personal baggage quick and fast or all his tantalising talk of a RM470 billion package for these two years to deal with the economic crisis will fail to achieve their full impact and results.
Najib talks of a “One Malaysian” concept. His first task as sixth Prime Minister is to prove he is serious about “One Malaysian” concept by immediately halting UMNO’s divisive and destructive by-election tactics in Bukit Gantang falsely trying to label the majority of voters in Perak as anti-Sultan for supporting Pakatan Rakyat.
The Bukit Gantang by-election is not about whether the voters are loyal or disloyal to the Sultan of Perak.
UMNO leaders, members and campaigners are doing a great disservice to nation-building, the constitutional monarchy and Najib’s “One Malaysian” concept by trying to poison the minds of the voters into believing that a vote for Umno/Barisan Nasional candidate is a vote for the Sultan of Perak while a vote for Pas/Pakatan Rakyat candidate is a vote for a “traitor” against the Sultan.
How can the cause of Malaysian nation-building and Najib’s “One Malaysian” concept be advanced in falsely creating the perception that the majority of the people in Perak are against the constitutional monarchy just because they had voted in support of Pakatan Rakyat when the loyalty of Pakatan Rakyat and the Pakatan Rakyat voters to the constitutional monarchy whether in last year’s general election or the forthcoming April 7 Bukit Gantang by-election cannot be doubted?
Is Najib prepared to immediately halt such irresponsible, divisive and destructive by-election tactics in the Bukit Gantang by-election or is his “One Malaysian” concept just an empty and meaningless slogan?
Hee is Afraid
But it is not funny. I think the press should just forget about interviewing her.
C'mon lah. Face reality that people hate you, Madam Hee. You don't deserve to be called YB.
Press corps tricked by Hee no-show
By Debra ChongTAIPING, April 3 — The press corps here was punk’d — conned, played out, tricked — last night. By Hee Yit Fong.
Several reporters were sent a text message on Wednesday, April 1, which read: “Tomorrow 2/4/09 9.00pm there is an interview with YB Hee Yit Fong at the Bilik Gerakan Wanita BN, Simpang. Press invited to cover.”
Since the Jelapang assemblywoman went into hiding last month after quitting the DAP and declaring herself an independent state lawmaker “friendly” to the BN, she has been much sought after by the press.
So we dutifully turned up at the appointed place and time but ended up being stood up. Hee never showed.
About 9.20pm, a bald man in an orange-collared T-shirt and navy trousers, who claimed to be an aide to BN state executive councillor Hamidah Osman, announced that the deputy speaker of the Perak State Legislative Assembly would be coming.
The man, who gave his name as Rosli Baba,said that Hee was in the state and would address the press later today. But he could not confirm the location or other details.
He claimed he heard the news “from a direct line” — referencing Hamidah.
The sketchy details may just prove to be another red herring, in what appears to be someone’s attempt to lighten the deepening mood as campaigning for the Bukit Gantang parliamentary by-election progresses.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Is Gabesan, Obama? NO WAY
Ganesan, please, you are no where near the United States President.
Ganesan runs, taps, wants to be Obama too
SUNGAI PETANI, April 3 - He runs, tap rubber and wants to be the Malaysian‘Obama’.
Datuk S. Ganesan is doing all this and others to get votes and win the Bukit Selambau state seat for Barisan Nasional on April 7.
The former Lunas assemblyman is also projecting an ‘everyman’ image to overcome the perception that he is difficult to engage, if not downright rude at times.
Barisan Nasional is also concerned after Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Salleh was labelled a snob in the Kuala Terengganu by-election on Jan 17, which it lost.
Senior MIC officials in Kedah also told The Malaysian Insider that Ganesan has not been known to be popular with the locals prior to the campaign.
“He is aloof and some would say conceited because he is not shy to talk up his UK education,” said one leader.
But Ganesan has made a huge effort to address this perception across the first half of the campaign period so far by participating in activities common to the Bukit Selambau native.
Ganesan kicked off his campaign by going for a 6km jog around his neighbourhood and passing leaflets to passersby. “To be more energetic and enhance performance,” was his message, he told reporters after his 7am run.
Ganesan related to The Malaysian Insider that he is a member of a local Hash House Harriers chapter, a social club for recreational runners.
Not only that, he is an avid sportsman, naming badminton and football - lifting his trouser leg to show his injuries on his shin as proof — as his sports of choice.
“When you engage in the same activities as the rakyat, then you will know what is required and how to accommodate their needs. For example, others may not understand why you need such a nice field just to play football but to the players, it is a big difference,” he said just after cleaning out a drain in Kg Sebelas, Sungai Lalang.
Ganesan has also showed off his skills at tapping rubber. His own parents were rubber tappers and this move was designed to give locals some food for thought in terms of his grasp of local issues.
His rather creative campaign also includes a some interesting, if not completely credible soundbites.
He has vowed to cover at least 10km a day on foot. That has led to his claim that as of yesterday, he reached over 55 per cent of voters.He also wants to be the “Obama of Malaysia,” becoming the latest politician to ride on newly elected US president Barack Obama’s global appeal.
Whether or not these unorthodox strategies are his ideas or those of his handlers, he is certainly running an eye-catching campaign.
It positions himself as a man willing to pursue local issues. This will be crucial in grabbing the rural vote as the consensus is that the urban voters are lodged firmly with Pakatan Rakyat.