Damian S. L. Yeo & L. C. Goh (DSLY)
No. 2007, Lorong Sidang Omar, off Jalan Penghulu Abbas, Bukit Baru, Hang Tuah Jaya, 75100 Melaka

Tel : 06-2347011
& 06-2347012
Fax: 06-2347022


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

JERIT....what is so wrong about it?

My patient is killing me.

Seeing the police or some 'people' with much enthusiast, either stopped, burned, detained or now arrested members or their children (oops error....protecting the children from being exploited) from cycling. Cycle for Change.... why not?

Now compare that to Mat Rempit menacing the city in KL and elsewhere. I am wondering why can't the police show some decency in arresting this menaces.

At least the cycling activity has an agenda that is beneficial to Malaysian society compare to the Mat Rempit who only endanger lives of people and that include the police. There are events that police officers were injured by these dare devils who couldn't care less for their own lives.

What so wrong about Cycle for Change? Just because they do not have permits?

I sincerely think it is a good agenda. A good and healthy environment for society. Instead of arresting their activity, it should be encouraged. An activity that attracts the young. Compare that to drug and alcohol abuse.

I think the police should just focus themselves and not be so selective in prosecuting.

1 comment:

joshua said...

aiyo...what to do...even the event on International Human Rights Day last year was stopped by the police. I think time to move the word 'royal' from the police coz they don't seem to be serving at the pleasure of the king, rather their political masters...