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Friday, November 30, 2007
Saya Pantang Dicabar... kata PM
The Bar Council, SUARAM, other NGOs and political parties including members of the BN government and even from the United States have all voice their concern on the use of the ISA against pro democracy marchers. The PM must learn to hear the truth and not be blinded by members of his half past six cabinet.
There must be a rally call for his immediate retraction of the use of the ISA against the rakyat.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Why did I not think of that?
©The Star (Used by permission)
Brave New World by Azmi Sharom
For democracy to have any sort of meaning, it must be part of our lives every day .
KUALA Lumpur has been a busy place of late. Roads closed, people marching around, sometimes in colour-coordinated outfits. It all made our capital that much more hectic and more colourful than usual.
Politicians too have been more hectic and colourful than usual.
The common thread of comments from members of the ruling party is that all these protesters are merely tools of the Opposition and, besides, we are a democracy and you can always let your feelings be known at the ballot box. Why take to the streets? It is not our way.
Allow me to deal with these two points: the ballot box and the idea that protesting is not “our way”.
Let’s look at the ballot box first. Every four of five years, it rises up from its resting place and it is supposedly all the democracy we need.
This is a bit of a silly idea because democracy is not like some mythical beast that slumbers for years and then rears its head every now and then to be fed.
Democracy, if it is to have any sort of meaning, must be part of our lives every day.
If one were to think that the ballot box is the be-all and end-all of democracy, then one is playing a zero-sum game.
It’s all or nothing, either you are with us or against us.
This is an oversimplification of George Bush proportions.
It is not just opposition people who engage with the Government. Ordinary people and civil society want to have a say, too.
Furthermore, there are people who support or even like most of what the ruling party does but disagree with some of its decisions. Surely, they have the right to voice their concerns?
That right of dissent is a vital component in a democracy, as it helps to ensure that governments are aware that their responsibility and culpability to citizens is something that exists all the time.
The question is how that dissent should be expressed.
Yes, the ballot box is one way but it is pretty much an all-or-nothing method of dissent.
One example of its downside is the slow registration process.
I know of young people who have registered to vote for months and yet their names still do not appear in the register.
Just how difficult is it to place someone on the electoral roll?
In this age of computers and MyKad, it should be a matter of hours or at the most days. Not months.
Furthermore, I can’t see the logic of having some large parliamentary seats with many voters and some tiny ones with very few.
The division of constituencies is such that in the last general election, on average the ruling party needed 16,000 votes to get a seat while the opposition parties needed 180,000 votes for each of their seats.
Another method of dissent is through the press. An argument against a dissenting press is that a totally free press is dangerous and the people are not ready for it.
Well, no one is saying that the press has to be totally free. Everybody is bound by laws.
The issue in question is the extent of repression that those laws exert.
As long as the Printing Presses and Publications Act exists, we can say that our press, despite good intentions, is on a short leash.
How much coverage can you give to dissenting voices when the object of those voices’ anger could whip away your licence to publish at any time?
What other methods are available then to show dissent? Handing in politely worded documents to the powers that be is all well and good, but sometimes an issue is so big that people want to express themselves.
They want to come together in a show of solidarity and to make as big an impact as possible.
For example, when US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice turned up, there were people in the streets.
Maybe what is really meant is that opposing the government on the streets is not “our way”.
But then didn’t Umno organise demonstrations against the Malayan Union? That was opposing the government, wasn’t it?
Oh yes, that was in a different situation. There were no ballot boxes and the press was controlled by the British.
A democracy needs dissent. It needs a free press; it needs people to express themselves.
Anything less is disrespecting our inalienable and fundamental freedoms.
Dr Azmi Sharom is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya.
Ikut Suka Saya No. 2

I remember the many statements and remarks he made when he first became PM that he will take time to listen and to hear the truth. He even state in his address to the Christians in an event that he is the PM to all, meaning every race and religion. AND now when Hindraf marched to the street instead of going to the ground and listen to the people, he chickened out to threaten the people in the street that he will use the ISA.
I now wonder whether is he the PM for all Malaysians OR only to a group called UMNO. I now doubt his sincerity to change Malaysia better and free from corruption. Oh God how I cry for my Malaysia
Well done...Dato Dr Toh Kin Woon
Gerakan leader disagree with BN leadership
taken from:
By Dato’ Dr Toh Kin Woon
State Legislative Assemblyman for Machang Bubok, Pulau Pinang (BN-Gerakan)
Several major marches and pickets, all peaceful, have taken place in our country over the last few months.
There was the ‘Walk for Justice’ organised by the Bar Council. This peaceful march called for a complete review of the country’s judiciary system with a view to restoring its independence, and hence put into effect the separation of powers so important for justice. This was followed by a march to the palace organised by Bersih, a broad coalition of political parties and NGOs, calling for free and fair elections.
The most recent, this time to hand over a memorandum to the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur , was organised by the Hindu Rights Action Force, or Hindraf, in short. Although the stated objective of this last demonstration was to demand compensation for the exploitation of Indians from the British government, it was in effect to highlight the socio-economic and cultural plight of the Indians, especially their lower strata.
To all these must be added the numerous pickets called by the trade unions for higher salaries just to meet rises in costs of living so burdensome to the workers.
All these marches and pickets, especially those organised by Bersih and Hindraf, drew tens of thousands of people. And this, despite the authorities warning the public not to take part as these assemblies were all so-called “illegal”. Participants were threatened with arrest should they take part in all these illegal assemblies.
These marches drew flak and condemnation from almost all Barisan Nasional leaders. Their criticisms centred on their illegality, potential threat to peace, the possible destablisation of the economy including frightening away foreign investors. I disagree with the views of our country’s leaders.
Instead of condemning, one would have thought and hoped that they should have been more concerned over the grievances, frustrations and disappointments that have brought so many thousands to the streets in the first place and to seek fair and just solutions to them.
Is it true that there are lots of defects in our country’s judicial system? If so, what are they? What must we do to overcome these so that we can restore its independence, and give real substance to the separation of powers in order to strengthen our country’s democratic institutions?
Likewise, what are the shortcomings in our country’s electoral system, especially pertaining to the electoral rolls, election campaigning, access to media, etc? And on Hindraf, what are the grievances, frustrations and unhappiness of the lower strata of the Indian community, and that of all the other communities, pertaining to housing, education, health, jobs, equity and religious freedom?
Until and unless these and many more issues concerning our country’s judicial and electoral systems as well as social justice for the poor are looked into seriously and satisfactory solutions found, the discontent that has brought thousands to the streets over the last several months will remain. To me, it is this discontent and unhappiness that will be a greater threat to our country’s peace and stability, rather than the marches, pickets and demonstrations.
To be fair, the government did finally agree to the setting up of a royal commission of inquiry to look into the Lingam case that triggered the outpouring of dissatisfaction over the state of our judicial system. The terms of reference of this soon to be set-up royal commission have, however, not yet been announced. Hopefully, its scope of work will include getting to the bottom of why our judicial system has declined so precipitously over the years.
A truly democratic society that allows peaceful marches, an independent and just judicial system, free and fair elections, equal respect by the state for all religious faiths and social justice for the poor are, among others, the key pillars of democracy, peace and stability. Without these, no amount of coercion, including the threat to use the obnoxious Internal Security Act (ISA), can bring us the lasting peace and security that all Malaysians desire.
Finally, I find it extremely disturbing that a backbench Barisan Nasional MP who took a divergent stand on Hindraf should be so severely rebuked and chastised by a couple of BN leaders. This clearly does not augur well at all for intra-BN democracy.
The message sent seems to be that all BN elected representatives are expected to be meek and passive followers of the views of their leaders and that no space is provided for independent views, including those articulated by the larger civil society. I wonder how such a stance by the leaders can attract people who want to seek changes from within!
The writer is a member of Penang State Gerakan Party and Chairman state Economic Planning, Education, and Human Resources Development, Science, Technology and Innovation.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Lu Percaya....
Hmmmm and I also remember what he said in the UMNO general assembly baru-baru ini that he "PANTANG DICABAR". So what do we call that? Is that hypocrisy? If he is talking about the marches, whether the Bar or Bersih or Hindraf challenging him emotionally and without justification, then what is the real meaning of justification. Things are so clear in his face that needs much attention.
PM did mention many times that he is willing to listen, so I sincerely hope that he will listen to all parties including members of the Opposition grouses and the people angers. People take it to the street because enough is enough. As such it is my hope that the garmen will actually listen to the people.
The Star
CAIRO: The Prime Minister is open to criticism but it must be reasonable and not made emotionally or without justification.
“I do accept reasonable criticism. It is not a problem for me. But one cannot criticise based on assumptions and wrong information. That is not fair,” he said when asked to comment on a survey done by a local research centre and a daily newspaper recently.
According to the survey, Abdullah’s leadership has boosted public confidence and trust in Barisan Nasional.
“I am humbled by this. I will continue to do the best that I can for the country and the people.
“For those who support me and want to join my struggle, I say thank you. For those who criticise me, I also say thank you,” he said.
Abdullah, speaking to the Malaysian media at the end of his two-day visit here yesterday, also dispelled speculation that he would not be going abroad in the coming months, so as to prepare for the general election.
He said he had been informed that there were three or four trips coming up but did not elaborate on them nor whether he would be going.
When pressed further if the trips would be made before the Chinese New Year, which falls on Feb 7 next year, the Prime Minister said:
“Obviously, I will have to be around for Chinese New Year to celebrate the festivities with the Chinese community.”
The Prime Minister, who celebrated his 68th birthday on Monday, said he had no birthday wish but for good health for him, his family and all Malaysians.
Demonstrasi Jalanan - Illegal...Siapa kata???

Inilah dikatakan double standard. And I thought demonstrasi jalanan is illegal. So whatever that is organise by BN would be legal and those organised by His Majesty's Loyal Opposition parties and NGOs are illegal. Maybe the leaders organised during the Miss Secretary of State for US visit should be brought to court for holding an illegal rally
If BERSIH and HINDRAF cause chaotic jam in massive KL, I believe the BN walk also did the same. SHAME SHAME SHAME.....
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Send you to the Headmaster
So is this democracy in BN? When you have a political master such as U know Who, you got to kow tow to them. That is what happen to the other political parties in BN.
So what will happen to our MP of CH? Hmmmm my guess is, he will be given a very very very stern warning from the Headmaster with a rotan. Then he would probably asked to give a press statement, denouncing what he said in Parliament and apologise to his U Know Who and say that the "kera jaan amat prihatin kepada semua rakyat tak kira bangsa dan agama....."
©Bernama (Used by permission)
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 27 (Bernama) -- Member of Parliament for Cameron Highlands S.K. Devamany, who is alleged to have made a controversial statement in Parliament yesterday, is scheduled to meet Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Thursday regarding the matter.
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said he had already spoken to Najib regarding the issue and that Thursday had been set for Devamany to meet the Deputy Prime Minister, who is also the Barisan Nasional (BN) Chief Whip.
"I have seen the report (from the Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club (BNBBC) regarding the issue). I also saw the Hansard and in my opinion there has been a break in ranks," he told reporters at Parliament's lobby Tuesday.
When asked about the type of action that could be taken against Devamany, Mohamed Nazri said that Najib would decide on it.
The issue emerged during the Dewan Rakyat's morning session yesterday when Devamany allegedly questioned the government's policies on Indians in the country.
He is alleged to have said that the figure of 50,000 people attending the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) demonstration in the city on Sunday showed the dissatisfaction of the Indian community to be at a serious level.
Commenting further on Devamany's action, Mohamed Nazri said: "Stand up for the more than 100,000 Indians who did not participate (in the Hindraf demonstration)...stand up for them. I want the Indian leaders to stand up for the majority of Indians who stayed behind and are supportive of the government. It is more important."
On the demonstration, Mohamed Nazri said the demonstrators wanted to see the nation suffer by conducting such an event.
"Their intention is to scare away investors," he said.
Meanwhile, MIC President Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu regarded Devamany to have been 'absent-minded' when mentioning 50,000 as the figure for the number of people who attended the illegal demonstration.
"According to the police, it was only about 4,600...if 50,000 means it (the crowd) would have gone right up to the edge of Kuala Lumpur," he said.
Samy Vellu also said that Devamany did not mean any policy failure, instead he just mentioned that the government was not doing enough for the Indian community.
"Policy failure is different from not doing enough.. We are all fighting... Umno is fighting saying not enough is being done (for the Malays)... The MCA is saying the same thing and so too the MIC. Everybody feels the same," he said.
On Nazri comments yesterday that Devamany should quit the MIC, Samy Vellu said: "In parliament, we can say so many things.. Nazri is a good person. Sometimes, he might say something but he may not mean it."
Whose money???????
Pejabat MB menang bidaan CCC 9
KUANTAN 26 Nov. (Utusan Malaysia) – Pejabat Menteri Besar Pahang memenangi tender bagi mendapatkan nombor pendaftaran kenderaan CCC 9 selepas membida pada harga RM48,000.
Harga tersebut merupakan yang ketiga tertinggi dibida bagi siri nombor CCC selepas Sultan Pahang yang membida pada harga RM76,600 untuk CCC 1 dan dua Exco kerajaan negeri yang membida sebanyak RM62,400 untuk CCC 3 dan CCC 8. Bagaimanapun dua Exco itu dilaporkan telah menarik diri.
Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri juga memenangi bidaan untuk nombor CCC 20 dengan nilai bidaan sebanyak RM5,500.
Senarai nama pemohon yang berjaya bagi nombor siri CCC yang ditender, kini dipamerkan di pejabat Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) di Alor Akar di sini.
Jumaat lalu, Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob memberitahu, dua anggota Exco kerajaan negeri Pahang yang membida nombor pendaftaran tersebut telah menarik diri.
Dua Exco itu ialah, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi, Datuk Shahiruddin Ab. Moin dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Belia, Sukan dan Perpaduan, Datuk Dr. Ahmad Shukri Ismail.
Adnan berkata, beliau tidak menghalang Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri untuk mendapatkan nombor pendaftaran kenderaan berharga lebih RM10,000 kerana mereka mempunyai sumber pendapatan lain misalnya perniagaan.
‘‘Tetapi bagi mereka yang menjadi Exco, kalau nak beli nombor pendaftaran, saya nasihatkan berhentilah jadi Exco,’’ katanya.
Sementara itu, mengikut laman web JPJ, nombor 1 hingga 10 dikelaskan sebagai nombor utama dan pembida perlu membayar 10 peratus daripada nilai bidaan semasa memohon.
Pembida yang berjaya perlu membayar baki nilai tempahan dalam tempoh dua minggu dan mendaftarkan nombor tersebut dalam masa satu bulan.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Lingam meets ACA for five hours
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Lingam's brother quizzed by ACA
Well, day by day, things are getting more interesting.....
Monday, November 19, 2007
Who Should Be In The Royal Commission
I hope that actually happened. But I'm afraid Nazri will cry 'interference' by the Palace/Royalty. Same old saga. So I doubt this can happen even though I would be extremely happy if any of HRH being appointed.
So who would CHAIR....
My guess.... Tun Dzaiddin as he served as Chief Justice before and he is not named in the VK Lingam saga....
Errrrrr, Tun Salleh Abas.... maybe but I doubt he will be, because this case would be evidenced of Tun Salleh's case in 1988. It would be evidenced enough to restore justice in Tun Salleh's dismissal. So for the sake of natural justice, Tun Salleh should better be left out.
Hmmmm maybe ME.... as a ordinary Rakyat. Anybody wanna help?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Aye for Royal Commission
So, I must say AGAIN that the Malaysian Bar and the Bar Council is right to call for the immediate setting up of the Royal Commission to inquire not only the Lingamgate but at the same time to see that the good name of the judiciary is restored. The administration of justice or specifically the JUDICIARY is indeed the bulwark of civil liberties and the protector of all who relies on it. As such there must be a restoration of public perception and confidence in the judiciary. I simply don't understand why can't the government put some thoughts and call for the establishment of the Royal Commission.
I also agree with Uncle Kit that the report by the panel should at least be made public for all Malaysian to judge. The report should not be only be given to the half past six cabinet who I believed don't even understand what was written in the report. I doubt their 'kepandaian' especially when you have monkeys jumping in the cabinet itself and that you have a minister who stammered in front of foreign reporters. That is the standard of the MALAYSIAN CABINET.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Way to Go Saudara Teng
Get all S’gor officials to declare assets
KLANG: Sungai Pinang state assemblyman Teng Chang Khim wants to push a bill that would require all selected representatives and appointed politicians in Selangor to declare their family assets.
He has submitted a notice to the State Secretary for a motion to table the proposed Declaration of Family Income and Asset Bill 2007 to make this compulsory.
Teng said the proposed Bill would cover the mentri besar, state executive councillors, state assemblymen, state senators and local government councillors as well as their spouses.
The declaration, he said, would then have to be gazetted and made public, adding that anyone with information on assets or income that had not been declared could report to the authorities.
He said the notice was submitted on Nov 5, giving the state government ample time to discuss it at the state executive council meeting and to decide if it would be tabled at the next state assembly sitting, which begins on Nov 19.
“The need to make it compulsory for all politicians to declare their income and assets has been discussed for a long time and it is time to finally implement it," he told a press conference here on Wednesday.
Under the proposal, anyone making a fraudulent declaration would face a minimum jail term of one year and one day or a minimum fine of RM3,000 which is enough to make an assemblyman lose his seat.
Do-Nothing Panel
I am BACK.....
So what's new (or rather old news)? The Bersih March. Nah, won't spend time on it as blogees here might have read it in almost every political blog. As such I don't intend to bore you with another opinion except that I have to congratulate the organisers for a well done job. At least we are able to tell garmen, WE ARE NOT SUCKERS and WE DON'T INTEND TO BE ONE.
So what happen after the march? Again you have two monkeys namely Zam Zam and Naz Naz shouting in front of Aljazeera and Parliament respectively. One giving literally a false news saying that Aljazeera is not reporting correctly and bring Malaysia in a very bad light (denial syndrome by the usual Malaysian BN Minister) AND our Naz Naz calling the organisers of the rally as 'PONDAN' also saying that this is not the view of the majoity (again a denial syndrome).
Sometimes I don't understand what are these people actually thinking.... nothing short of a nut head imagination. AND they called themselves MINISTER.