Kononlah macam candidate. I spoke in Bahasa Malaysia, I mean ROJAK the language all Malaysian regardless of race and culture. I started off with "Selamat Petang" and ended up with "Undilah Rocket". It was an evening full of enthusiasm as it was my first political ceramah. I spoke about the crime rate in Malacca whereby the rate for the crime for molest went up to above 90% as at October last yearlet alone the other offences such as snatch thief, rape, theft etc. Yes it is definitely frightening. I even went ahead by saying we are like New York. Looks like the police and government fail miserably in maintaining law and order and that is why crime rates are up not only in Malacca but worst still in state like Johor.
The police is only wanting to nab members of opposition political parties in assembling peacefully. What a disgrace.
The time is come to adhere to the words of Tun Dr. Mahatir that is to vote for a clean, honest and straight candidates in the coming 12th general elections. Mahatir further said, “I believe that people who support the Barisan should be a little bit more selective. They should think, use wisdom in choosing the people they want to support." And he went on by saying, “If there are dead wood and corrupt politicians being fielded as candidates, the people should not support them, not even if they are representing Barisan.”
These are strong words. of the former Prime Minister. Those who are corrupt and dishonest must be removed completely. The people should not support the Barisan for they are a bunch of very dirty people who deserved not a place in high office. As such DAP cries for a change in Malaysia. Let us "Dare to Change"... dare to make a difference for Malaysia.
Ghan Ghan Tor Fu Chien (Dare to Vote for the Rocket)

Those that spoke were, Tey (DAPSY Melaka Chief), Lim Jak Wong (pic on the upper left) (secretary of DAP Melaka and former ADUN of Tengkera), Betty Chew (Wanita Chair Melaka and ADUN for Kota Laksamana), Sim Tong Him (former Chairman of DAP Melaka and former ADUN of Bandar Hilir), Goh Leong San (pic below) (Chairman of DAP Melaka and ADUN for Bandar Hilir), Anthony Loke (Chairman for DAP NS and ADUN for Lobak), Tan Kok Wai (pic on upper right) (National Organising Secretary and MP for Cheras) and Lim Guan Eng (pic below) (Secretary General DAP Malaysia)

tak kira lah kalau rojak
i wonder when malaysia will have a indian or chinese pm?
yes, time for a change!
Yoo brader, congratulation. Rojak is good, I like rojak, buah or mamak.
The time is "now" for change.
Please put up list of dates and venues for all the ceramah u will be giving so that we will not miss it.
Just change it...!
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